2025 Community Practice
Our new readers for 2025 are 365 Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes, and 365
Inspirational Daily Guides to Grateful Living, by Deborah Perdue. Join us!
Friday Night Prayer Happy Hour
By Phone: +1 669 900 6833 US, Meeting ID: 961 1701 7710, Passcode: 123456
2025 OCSL Annual Meeting
The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 23 after service at 1 pm. Bring a potluck dish to share. We encourage in person participation. Join us via livestream if you cannot come in person. All are encouraged to attend.

OCSL 80th Anniversary
Gala and Celebration throughout the year. Stay Tune for updates.

OCSL Community Potluck
Community Potluck & Bring a Friend Sunday is kicking off every 4th Sunday, beginning March 23. Board member Deborah Jackson is leading this project and is assembling a committee for set-up and clean-up.
Contact Deborah at deborah@oaklandcsl.org for more information.

Social Justice Ministry
Here at the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, we are actively working to build a world that works for everyone! The Social Justice Ministry’s mission is to love and support our community through spiritual practices, education, and collaborative action that elevate diversity, equity, and inclusion at our center. Whether you’re seeking connection, collective growth, or a meaningful way to make a difference in our community, we invite you to join us. Together, we can make an impact that ripples out expanding love and understanding globally!
The Chair Dedication Campaign continues!
Create your own plate inscription that will go on the back of a chair in our Sanctuary or Social Hall. 4 levels to choose from: Platinum – $500 (5 lines), Gold $200 (4 lines), Silver $100 (3 lines), and Bronze (2 lines). Include yourself, family, friends, ancestors, or organizations in the dedication OR share lines with someone else to reduce the cost. Order by November 30 to be one of the first inscriptions with a special star. Click on the image to sign up.

Spiritual Practices
510-547-1979 x-6
In Person Group Tuesdays 2 PM
Susan Brecker sbrecker@oaklandcsl.org
Visit the Practitioner Page to learn about this valuable resource.