Audio / Video MinistryAudio / Video Ministry
Contact: Andy Robbins [email protected]
At the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, high quality audio, video, power-point and live-streaming are all integral aspects of our services, classes, and events.
We are always on the lookout for better technology, equipment and methodology — as well as sharp, tech-oriented people who are interested in being part of our tech team. If you are a tech-oriented person and have time, talent and/or tech goodies to contribute to our community, please contact Andy Robbins at [email protected].
We are very pleased to live-stream our Sunday services. We feel very fortunate to be able to share what we do here with Bay area people who are unable to attend in person and also with people across the country and around the world. Watch our services!
We use Powerpoint regularly here at the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living. For Sunday services, we use Powerpoint for announcements, song lyrics, affirmations and other readings of various and assorted kinds.
For classes, other services and events, Powerpoint support is often requested or required. There are always slides to be created, looks to be crafted and people to interface with along the way. If Powerpoint is your thing and you have some time to give, we would love to talk with you! Contact our administrative coordinator at [email protected].