Rising Higher Growing Deeper 2025

Our 2025 Pledge Campaign has launched! Your active participation in our annual campaign is critical for our efficient planning of our financial budget for the next year. Once you pledge, a golden hummingbird will be added to our tree with your name of it. The more hummingbirds  we have, the brighter our 2024 financial condition will be.


The Spiritual Practice of Conscious Giving is an invitation to: deepen our connection with Spirit and know that Its infinite good is already within us; to give with an open, joyful, loving heart; and grow by stretching our consciousness in the arena of giving. 

Rev. Geri Carder


You can also mail your donation to:

Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, 5000 Clarewood Drive, Oakland, CA 94618

Or drop it in the basket on Sunday!

Give By Zelle

Send your donation to: 


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Set up your giving once on this secure app.  

Oakland Center for Spiritual Living (OCSL) is a 501(c)3 Religious Non-profit Corporation.
Unless otherwise noted, all contributions will be applied to our general operating fund.

Thank you for your contribution to the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living.


Thoughts for Contemplation

There is an Infinite Law of the Spirit, or Law of Life, which tends to multiply our gifts, because in so doing It multiplies Its own experience, Its own pleasure, Its own fruition.  Ernest Holmes

When I chased after money, I neve had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.   Wayne Dyer

From time immemorial humankind has fought and struggled to survive. Throughout history the belief in “not enough” has dominated the minds and the behavior of the majority of human beings. It is the illusion that you are separate from the source of your abundance that gives birth to a belief in not enough.  Dennis Merrit Jones

Abundance is the causative principle of more than enough, and prosperity is the exquisite effect. The question is, which one do you tend to focus more fully on: the cause or the effect? As we shall discover, we can’t have one without the other. The secret to life lies in knowing which one comes first and giving that our primary attention

As a universal principle, abundance is omnipresent and therefore available to us every moment of the day; the challenge is that we are not always present and available to abundance.  Dennis Merrit Jones

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