
Sridevi Ramanathan
[email protected]

Doug Myers
[email protected]

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Diversity Circle


The Topic:

With all the changes the new government is attempting and implementing, people have had a lot on their minds and hearts. This month let’s gather to respectfully share and discuss our thoughts. As always, differing and opposing views are welcome.



At Oakland Center for Spiritual Living we believe that “We are One,”  and we celebrate diversity as the nature of Creation!

Join us to discuss what ever you have on your find concerning diversity.


Diversity Circle normally meets on the 4th Friday of every month at 7:00 PM for activities around diversity such as movie screenings, guest speakers, panels with Q & A and facilitated discussions. Join us and explore our diversity and multiple cultures in respectful and enlightening ways!

For information on upcoming Diversity Circle events please see the weekly Sunday bulletin,  sign up for our weekly E-newsletter on the home page!


$10 – 15 suggested – no one turned away for lack of funds.

Donations go toward OCSL, speaker honorariums, and future programs. Please click the below link to donate:


MEETING ID: 859 0391 9869

PASSCODE: 411797


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