Membership in the
Oakland Center for Spiritual Living
On behalf of the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, welcome to our Community, our Village. Thank you for your interest in becoming a Member of our Center.
This document tells the requirements and privileges of Membership.
Please read it in its entirety and, if you are ready to apply for Membership, click the link below to complete your application.
What Membership Means
Members choose to partner with and give their time, talent, and treasure to Oakland Center for Spiritual Living because they feel its strong support for their spiritual evolution.They are committed to the attitude of gratitude, to their own spiritual growth, to an all-inclusive yet intimate understanding of our Divine Source, and to the health and thriving of our community. Our vision for our members is that they are alive with genuine spirituality that improves the quality of their daily experience. This aliveness becomes a beneficial contribution to their families, workplace, and community. Members are involved in learning and living our teaching, and supporting the operation and success of Oakland Center for Spiritual Living.
Science of Mind is spread throughout the world by the example of its members.
Committing oneself to membership is a threefold commitment.
The first level is personal. Membership is a commitment to living the Science of Mind philosophy. This means that you are willing to learn about and to apply Science of Mind in daily life.
The second commitment is to join with the existing membership as an owner, no longer an observer.This means volunteering time and skill; attendance at events, classes, workshops, and other activities, as appropriate to your life; and attending the quarterly member gatherings including the Annual Meeting.
Third is entering into the vision of this community and supporting its commitment statement through your actions, attitudes, and prayers.
Defining Qualities of Membership in the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living
- Active (participating regularly in service and functions at the Center)
- Loyal (working with and for the commitment of the Center
- Supporting (contributing time, talent, and treasure)
Members are in good standing when they:
- uphold the teachings and practices of Religious Science.
- attend the spiritual and social activities of the Oakland Center.
- contribute to the financial support of the Oakland Center.
- attend the business meetings of the Oakland Center and vote in elections for officers and policies.
- provide service to the Oakland Center with time or talent.
- uphold the purpose, mission, and vision of the Oakland Center; and,
- promote harmony and goodwill within the spiritual community.
As a member, you have the privilege
- To vote in community and national CSL elections.
- To run for election or appointment to leadership positions; and
- To propose and implement duly approved new programs or ministries in the community;
- To access any benefit extended to our membership body.
The Oakland Center’s Vision & Mission Statement
The vision of the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living is to joyfully reveal the Love and Oneness of God.
We are a welcoming and inclusive spiritual community dedicated to individual transformation and collective growth.
Our purpose is to love, inspire, and serve our community and the world through education, music, prayer, and play.
New Member Application
Please click the link below to fill out the New Member Application. Thank you so much for your interest in Oakland Center for Spiritual Living.