Spirit’s Treasure Bookstore
30% off select items.

Do you want a T-shirt with our window or SOM symbol?
Check out our Red Bubble website: https://www.redbubble.com/people/OCSLbookstore/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown,
On the website, there are many styles to choose from – long sleeve, short sleeve, sweatshirt, hoodie, etc. And, you can select your size! There are also many other products you can choose from. Order from the bookstore account above, and we will get a percentage back to our bookstore for the sale.
Every month, the bookstore has books and other goodies on sale. Check the Village News or come into the bookstore on Sundays after service.
For information on selling or promoting your book or product, contact bookstore@oaklandcsl.org.
Volunteer cashiers wanted!
Interested in volunteering at OCSL? The bookstore gives you an opportunity to meet and greet our members and offer service. We work in pairs, one shift per month. Training is provided!
Contact Linda Wyman, Bookstore Manager at bookstore@oaklandcsl.org.
Regular business hours: Sundays after service until 12:30 pm
Contact: Linda M. Wyman, Bookstore Manager bookstore@oaklandcsl.org