Sacred Service

At Oakland Center, we know that Sacred Service is a spiritual practice. Not only is giving of your time and talent, it is a fun way to get to know others in the Village and to make yourself at home in this community.

Just fill in the contact form below and one of our Volunteer Coordinators will get back to you by phone or email right away. And that is one more person you’ll know at Oakland Center for Spiritual Living.

Classes & Workshops

Science of Mind is a teaching philosophy. Classes range in size from ten classmates to fifty and in length from four to ten weeks. During the year, we offer short workshops after service on Sundays and on Saturdays. Lots of ways to learn!


Oakland Center is blessed with a rich offering of groups.  If you need support and prayer during a time of grief, we have a group. If you love exploring the diversity around you, we have a group. You can discuss spiritual topics, meet with people your own age, and help make the world a better place for all.

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