Local Spiritual Center Offers Science of Mind Class

Science of Mind is a practical, proven and popular methodology which is used by people around the world to support the evolution of their consciousness. Whether you are looking to become an expert in the subject or just want to learn more about how it can impact your life, our spiritual center in the East Bay offers classes to help. 

By learning about ourselves and increasing our own consciousness, we can begin to understand God and how to become a more spiritual person. Science of Mind classes help attendees think on a higher level, and we have a staff of licensed leaders who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and practices for a more spiritual life. 

Whether you have a deep knowledge of Science of Mind or you are just beginning to explore how it can impact your life, we can help. In the sections to follow, we will give a brief overview of how our course offerings work and how these classes can help you advance your spirituality.

Increase Practical Knowledge 

While some spiritual training, workshops and classes focus purely on theory, we offer courses which incorporate real skills you can use every day to increase your spirituality. We can help in areas like practicing meditation, having an interactive discussion or connecting with others in real spiritual discussions. We help you get outside of theory and learn how to apply what you are learning to help you think on a higher level. Our Science of Mind instructors have a great deal of experience, and all of them have been through these courses and lived out their message for many years. This means they can help you better understand how impactful they can be when you are living your own life or trying to help others. 

Interact with Others Seeking Growth 

An important facet of our classes is the chance to not only learn from your instructor, but to make real connections. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and diverse group, which is extremely beneficial in a class setting because you are sure to learn from others who have different experiences and perspectives than your own. Creating relationships with like minded people and experiencing growth as a group is a powerful force for increasing your spirituality. 

Courses to Fit Your Needs

We have some people who attend our courses who have a goal of becoming practitioners or spiritual leaders themselves, and others who have never heard of or practiced Science of Mind. We welcome all, and we have courses tailored to any needs, from beginners to experts. Our workshops are a great way to introduce you to the practice, and for more experienced people we have courses which last for months at a time. 

Whatever your experience level, we have a course to fit your needs and ultimately help you grow spiritually. To learn more about our team of instructors, our classes and our schedule, browse our website or give us a call today.